If you are a people who travel a lot and staying in hotels throughout your travels and you care about the quality of Wi-Fi in any hotel of your use of the internet in your travels and your business, there are useful site often will identify you on the speed of the Internet in any hotel around the world before they are booking it, all you will do is enter a name any city around the world want to go and give you the order of hotels in the speed of the Internet, so you can book the best
All you have to do is to enter this link:
hotel wifi test
Then type the name of any city in the rectangular search and automatically you will see the results in front of hotels and the speed of the Internet, and you can also click on the MAP to determine the address and place of the hotel's presence in the city that have developed, thus greatly useful service
hotel wifi test
Then type the name of any city in the rectangular search and automatically you will see the results in front of hotels and the speed of the Internet, and you can also click on the MAP to determine the address and place of the hotel's presence in the city that have developed, thus greatly useful service
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